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LT95 Gearbox - Landyrebuild

The LT95 gearbox was originally developed for the Range Rover and the V8-powered Land Rover 101. It's a 4-speed box with integral transfer case, although the gearbox and transfer case do have separate oil reservoirs.

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LT95 problems - Series Forum - LR4x4 - The Land Rover …

Jul 02, 2013· Hey all, I have a 1984 Stage 1 which has an annoying issue with the gearbox which is a standard LT95. Basically it will change gear beautifully all the way up the gears but when shifting back down from 3rd to 2nd it will grind and refuse unless the trucks travelling around 20kmh.

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37 LT95 FOUR SPEED GEARBOX AND TRANSFER BOX 37 ... A table of contents in Book 1 lists the major components and systems together …

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