Мельница Verticle ролик

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Which is correct: vertical or verticle? - Quora

“A verticle is a piece of code that can be deployed by Vert.x. Use of verticles with Vert.x is entirely optional, but if you use them they provide an actor-like deployment and concurrency model, out of the box” (Fox).


Verticle is an enterprise that focuses on commercial products and services for the hospitality industry. Verticle’s foundation is based on the principles of innovative design concepts, technique and value that delivers exceptional service and creativity.

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Founded in 2004, Vertical Ventures is an established, highly-focused investor, developer and operator of institutional quality commercial real estate assets.

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He credits Vertical's talented, dedicated and "extremely stubborn" staff for all the Company's ongoing success, noting, "Business is the ultimate team sport, and we have a fantastic team." Peter started his career with Salomon Brothers, Inc. in New York, and holds a B.A. from Princeton University.

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Welcome to V-Connect 3.52

V-Connect 3.0 is the latest version of Vertical's dealer intranet. Designed to work with the latest web browsers and mobile devices, you'll find all the information you need to maximize your knowledge of and sales success with Vertical products and services.

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